Shall i just change the name of this blog to 'Quickie central' or something? That might gain unwanted attention..
Going to make a little japanese-style crochet doll for my Irish friend for xmas. A cat one!
I'm going to go grab some hooks and acrylic yarn tomorrow and hope it works out; as you might have noticed, i'm not that good at finishing projects. ^^
p.s. will do a longer post soonish.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Yet another quickie.
It's reading week so i have two weeks worth of work to do in one week, as well as a lot of reading and i'm also focussing on #NaNoWriMo quotas. Therefore it's unlikely that i'll update this blog or my other blog, Vegannoob, particularly often for a while.
I'll try and put some more recipes up as i have been cooking new things, just not documenting them.
I will also do posts here about capsule wardrobes, Germany and working possibilities, and perhaps about some sexuality things that have come to my attention recently.
In the meantime i will just have to tide you over with this picture of a toadstool and hope you're all having creatively satisfying and wholesome times.

V. x
It's reading week so i have two weeks worth of work to do in one week, as well as a lot of reading and i'm also focussing on #NaNoWriMo quotas. Therefore it's unlikely that i'll update this blog or my other blog, Vegannoob, particularly often for a while.
I'll try and put some more recipes up as i have been cooking new things, just not documenting them.
I will also do posts here about capsule wardrobes, Germany and working possibilities, and perhaps about some sexuality things that have come to my attention recently.
In the meantime i will just have to tide you over with this picture of a toadstool and hope you're all having creatively satisfying and wholesome times.

V. x
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Just a quickie - i'm in Ireland at the moment so lack of creation is occuring. will see how i feel when i get back to uni in October.
Hope all is going.
Hope all is going.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Just a quickie.
I've been wandering around the country and enjoying my birthday with my friends and family for the past week or so so haven't had much chance for creativeness other than in the way of stories and small screenplay ideas.
I've been half in the mood to write some more of a piece of fiction i hope to publish in the next few years when i've formed it properly but haven't got round to it. When i was at my brother's house this last weekend, I suddenly had the right words and got them all down on paper. So i know where i need to go with that at the moment. It just feels like i have to push my characters through walls of treacle to get them where i think i need them to be.
I'll be in Wales for a family holiday this week and the week after that i'll (hopefully) be in Éire visiting a friend of mine which i'm REALLY looking forward to :).
Hope all is well and fullfilling.
I've been wandering around the country and enjoying my birthday with my friends and family for the past week or so so haven't had much chance for creativeness other than in the way of stories and small screenplay ideas.
I've been half in the mood to write some more of a piece of fiction i hope to publish in the next few years when i've formed it properly but haven't got round to it. When i was at my brother's house this last weekend, I suddenly had the right words and got them all down on paper. So i know where i need to go with that at the moment. It just feels like i have to push my characters through walls of treacle to get them where i think i need them to be.
I'll be in Wales for a family holiday this week and the week after that i'll (hopefully) be in Éire visiting a friend of mine which i'm REALLY looking forward to :).
Hope all is well and fullfilling.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Just a quickie to inform you that my wig arrived! (Yes i was waiting for a wig to arrive - keep up.) So now i can cosplay as poison ivy.
And it looks totally awesome:
P.S. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v615/serpent-ness/Cosplay/ <-- Pamela
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Vegan n00b
Decided i'm going to have a food blog here as well, as it's likely that a large amount of the posts on here will be about food. It's linked to this account and can be found here.
I plan to cook something vegan at least 3 times a week if not every day and putting pictures and links of the recipes could help any other budding Vegans to try stuff out.
My Batsy picture has yet to come along at all since my last post but i've started a Half-Life 2 picture that i'll put a few sketch scans of below when i've taken the pictures.
I plan to cook something vegan at least 3 times a week if not every day and putting pictures and links of the recipes could help any other budding Vegans to try stuff out.
My Batsy picture has yet to come along at all since my last post but i've started a Half-Life 2 picture that i'll put a few sketch scans of below when i've taken the pictures.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Adventurous Veganism
Made some Vegan Sweet Potato Pie today. My first proper Vegan dish instead of using frozen nut cutlets or bean burgers. It's really yummy :D. But i left out the corn flour so it didn't set as well as it might've.
I have been officially Vegan since Sunday. I've been planning it and saying farewell to my fav foods since the beginning of June this year. The reason i've decided to go Vegan is, simply, because i can. When i'm at university I tend to eat almost Vegan all the time. I already avoid a lot of stuff like MSG and High Fructose Syrup. All i had to get rid of was cheese and even that has yummy, animal-friendly alternatives. Also, my friend who lived a few doors down from me (which we didn't find out until almost the end of the year) is vegan and she insisted on cooking for me and coaxing me over to the 'hippy' side, as she'd call it :).
I am aware, however, that i will feel frustrated if i miss an opportunity to try something new; i'll be going to Germany as part of my course for more than a year and i've always wanted to try Currywurst and such, non-Vegan things.
Therefore i dub myself an 'adventurous Vegan' - I will try a small amount of whatever i like and not make myself feel guilty about the animal who was harmed so that i could taste it. I feel that if i'm not buying the thing i'm trying, then i'm not contributing to the death of any more animals; i'm not confirming to the person selling the product that it is good and that they should buy more, therefore increasing demand for the death of the animal.
These small tastes of clearly non-vegan food i will dub as exceptions. I will make sure that they are a rare occurance but i am aware that some vegans will feel that i am not a 'true vegan' for allowing myself these exceptions.
I haven't done any crochet since my last post a while ago because i've been feeling rather secluded here at my parent's house so i've used the internet and my '360 to keep me company.
I am, however, planning on continuing with it. It's just taking a while.
Also, i've been meaning to complete an amazing Batman/Howl's Moving Castle picture idea i had for quite a long time now - there are quite a few journal posts on my deviantArt saying i'm 'almost there' and things... (Lies.). But I also want to get that done soonish.
I have however started to go through my clothes like i decided i would. I've seperated them into colour and seen whether they suit me and i have a bin liner with a few things i wasn't sure about or despised.
So lots of tiny bits of progress creatively and ethically. I'm not very good at working without deadlines but i don't want to beat myself up about that any more; It's just the way i work. I will keep this blog updated as to progress and i plan on posting my drafts for this Batman/H.M.C. picture up on here so that i can show myself that i am making progress, however long it might be taking me.
Hope you're all well and feeling the flow :).
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Baby's clothes and Folksy
Today we've been looking after the baby of a friend of ours. She's 3 and just learnt to walk three weeks ago, but toddles around quite soundly considering. It's made me think that a) i'm a bigger sap for kids than i thought i was and b) making children's clothes mightn't be a bad idea. They're probably a bit easier to make than grown up ones, not to mention cheaper as they require less fabric.
If (or, hopefully, when) I get round to doing this sort of thing, i'd sell them on Folksy (which is the british equivalent to Etsy). It too is just toddling about but there're already thousands of items available, forums for discussing creations or just general chitter chatter, tutorials for experts to people just starting out and the opportunity to sell and buy handmade items. It seems to be a highly ethical place where people's ideas are nurtured rather than exploited (as they would be in mainstream shops), so i try to nip over there for presents and ideas if i'm in a stodgey mood.
Recently I bought some mugs from Julia Smith who is planning to get a proper shop on the go and who makes beautiful designs (and huge cup sizes) for us tea lovers - coffee lovers too; *not one of them*. I've been keeping an eye on one cup in paticular which is 90mm in diameter. Huzzah! Tea in vast quantities.
Tried a little more crochet today but had to abandon it and rush around after the bab. She's very tiring but beautiful so it isn't a bother and there are other people i can distract her with. I'd like to try making something substantial using crochet soon. A friend of mine on twitter who's into knitting has prodded me to make dolls with crochet which i'd not thought of. I suppose that must be possible and, if i practiced them enough, quite quick to make (and sell). I still need to teach myself how to have more than one colour in a piece but i'm gonna keep going with it; i've wanted to do this for a long time and i've only been going for a day.
It's too hot here for long posts and there's a baby to creatively distract from poking her eyes out on stinging nettles;

If (or, hopefully, when) I get round to doing this sort of thing, i'd sell them on Folksy (which is the british equivalent to Etsy). It too is just toddling about but there're already thousands of items available, forums for discussing creations or just general chitter chatter, tutorials for experts to people just starting out and the opportunity to sell and buy handmade items. It seems to be a highly ethical place where people's ideas are nurtured rather than exploited (as they would be in mainstream shops), so i try to nip over there for presents and ideas if i'm in a stodgey mood.
Recently I bought some mugs from Julia Smith who is planning to get a proper shop on the go and who makes beautiful designs (and huge cup sizes) for us tea lovers - coffee lovers too; *not one of them*. I've been keeping an eye on one cup in paticular which is 90mm in diameter. Huzzah! Tea in vast quantities.
Tried a little more crochet today but had to abandon it and rush around after the bab. She's very tiring but beautiful so it isn't a bother and there are other people i can distract her with. I'd like to try making something substantial using crochet soon. A friend of mine on twitter who's into knitting has prodded me to make dolls with crochet which i'd not thought of. I suppose that must be possible and, if i practiced them enough, quite quick to make (and sell). I still need to teach myself how to have more than one colour in a piece but i'm gonna keep going with it; i've wanted to do this for a long time and i've only been going for a day.
It's too hot here for long posts and there's a baby to creatively distract from poking her eyes out on stinging nettles;

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tried some Cosplay the other week. A lot of people i know are really into it and i've always admired ManaFromHeaven's House and 10 impersonations. On a sort of Whovian wavelength i decided to try Amy Pond 'cause she has some nice outfits for red-haired people; i would never have thought of wearing a red jumper for fear of it clashing. But it looks really good, and the skirt seems to want to go with everything else i would normally wear.
I'm also planning another cosplay which i may go to the Febuary Midlands MCM Expo in. I've been planning it for a little while but only just recently found the right dress. My plan is to go as Poison Ivy from Batman but rather than feel self conscious in a comic-canon leotard i'm going to do a mixture of film and comic canon - keep the tomato red shoes and long, curly cherry red hair but wear a dress instead... (not gonna wear those hair horns). I'll put some pictures up when i've got my wig and added a few flowers to my dress which is almost /too/ green.
I've been in a mildly creative mood for the last week and decided to at least start to plan something today. I'm not at home at the moment so i'm away from my tablet (which is being a bit moody just now) and my paints but my dad's camera is left on the table for hours on end, unattended so perhaps i could do a collage of the beautiful things in the garden here.
I've also re-found a brilliant and creative blog made by the same person who did Heidi & Seek up until last year. She decided she needed to rethink what she was doing clothes-wise. Her new site is up and beautiful and can be found here. I really adored all her old ideas for clothes and she's continuing to be a really insightful source for the tentatively creative. Her recent blogs on finding your own style and knowing what colours suit you for example have given me the courage to go through every piece of clothing i own and seperate them into Wearable and Chuuuuuuuuuck. I'll make sure to see whether shades of red that i have in my clothes actually clash or if it's just an assumption brought on by society.
One of her other blogs which has been of particular importance to me is her blog on why people feel the need to shop when they're unhappy. My parents and I share the need to fill up our moderately sized house to the rafters with random bits of junk that we don't really need but at the time thought were 'cute' or would 'be useful if [insert unlkely scenario here]'. This has made even my mom consider being couragous about going through all her crap and clearing out.
I want to go to Australia and meet all my friends there. Especially my friend Nighty (who you won't know) who is extremely nerdy and is prompting me to cosplay as much as possible. My other friend who made this brilliant Dragonball Z parody. I met her on dA which i go on occasionally. But it feels a bit cramped for proper creativity just at the moment so i thought i'd make this nice new blog.
Here's my plan for the summer, creative-wise:
- I've started Crochet but so far i've only made a sort of lumpy foot-hat. I'm gonna keep going with it though as it's very satisfying.
- I'm also planning on buying a video camera and possibly another graphics tablet (as mine's having a wobble just now) but i'll need to wait until i'm certain i have enough money for rent and bills this coming year; i'm just starting my 2nd year of university and will be living in a house with some friends.
- I'm going to try editing the clothes i'll have left from my binge which i may not like the style of but like the colour of and create unique pieces of clothing for myself and friends should they want them. This is something i can start straight away as it won't cost me any money - i already have thread, needles and fabric and can find any patterns or templates i might want online.
- I've been planning to teach myself to draw accurately in traditional as well as digital mediums over the summer which i think i'll start quite soon.
Hope you're all having a lovely summer.
Do you have any creative projects you're planning for the summer? Perhaps you'd like to share them with me in the comments below.
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