Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Adventurous Veganism

Made some Vegan Sweet Potato Pie today. My first proper Vegan dish instead of using frozen nut cutlets or bean burgers. It's really yummy :D. But i left out the corn flour so it didn't set as well as it might've.
I have been officially Vegan since Sunday. I've been planning it and saying farewell to my fav foods since the beginning of June this year. The reason i've decided to go Vegan is, simply, because i can. When i'm at university I tend to eat almost Vegan all the time. I already avoid a lot of stuff like MSG and High Fructose Syrup. All i had to get rid of was cheese and even that has yummy, animal-friendly alternatives. Also, my friend who lived a few doors down from me (which we didn't find out until almost the end of the year) is vegan and she insisted on cooking for me and coaxing me over to the 'hippy' side, as she'd call it :).

I am aware, however, that i will feel frustrated if i miss an opportunity to try something new; i'll be going to Germany as part of my course for more than a year and i've always wanted to try Currywurst and such, non-Vegan things.
Therefore i dub myself an 'adventurous Vegan' - I will try a small amount of whatever i like and not make myself feel guilty about the animal who was harmed so that i could taste it. I feel that if i'm not buying the thing i'm trying, then i'm not contributing to the death of any more animals; i'm not confirming to the person selling the product that it is good and that they should buy more, therefore increasing demand for the death of the animal.
These small tastes of clearly non-vegan food i will dub as exceptions. I will make sure that they are a rare occurance but i am aware that some vegans will feel that i am not a 'true vegan' for allowing myself these exceptions.

I haven't done any crochet since my last post a while ago because i've been feeling rather secluded here at my parent's house so i've used the internet and my '360 to keep me company.
I am, however, planning on continuing with it. It's just taking a while.

Also, i've been meaning to complete an amazing Batman/Howl's Moving Castle picture idea i had for quite a long time now - there are quite a few journal posts on my deviantArt saying i'm 'almost there' and things... (Lies.). But I also want to get that done soonish.

I have however started to go through my clothes like i decided i would. I've seperated them into colour and seen whether they suit me and i have a bin liner with a few things i wasn't sure about or despised.

So lots of tiny bits of progress creatively and ethically. I'm not very good at working without deadlines but i don't want to beat myself up about that any more; It's just the way i work. I will keep this blog updated as to progress and i plan on posting my drafts for this Batman/H.M.C. picture up on here so that i can show myself that i am making progress, however long it might be taking me.

Hope you're all well and feeling the flow :).


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